Friday, 14 February 2014

Smartphone outsell feature phones

Feature phones still account for a big number of total phones sold but 2013 saw smartphones outsell them for the first time in a twelve month period. As you may expect Samsung accounted for the biggest proportion with a total of 299.8 million devices passing through customers hands, almost double the amount that Apple sold,150.8 million. With Samsung and Apple taking the top spots Huawei, LG and Lenovo filled up the remaining slots in the top five. Hopefully all the efforts that Sony have put in to their devices will see them make gains, not only in the top table for number of devices sold but also in the Android arena. 

Android is still taking the biggest share of the OS market with 78.4 percent, Apple well behind in second place with 15.6 and Windows Phone is still holding number three whilst Blackberry is feeling sorry for itself in last place. With Mobile World Congress only a week or so away Samsung are set to announce their new Galaxy phone, will that push them further ahead or are they getting to the same position as Apple?

Source - Mobile News