The Doro range of handsets come packed with features that make the mobile life of their customers easier and safer. The Assistance Button, In Case Of Emergency and the bigger buttons and text.
Well known for their phones that offer nothing more than calling and texting the Doro range has now expanded in to the world of smartphones with the Doro 820 being their latest addition.
For some moving on from the more traditional phone and on to the what can at times be the complexed world of smartphones Doro have not only made the design and functionality of their devices just as easy but have also devised a way for family members to offer help without being with the user.
It’s called My Doro Manager and allows the configuration to the settings such as screen brightness and volume , make changes to the phones applications and even add contact details or share media files. Having this control over the handsets system by someone who may well be sat at the other end of the country adds both simplicity and confidence to someone who is taking their first steps in to the smartphone world. If settings have been changed by accident the My Doro Manager App is the prefect tool to restore things to how they were.
The app also offers the user the choice to control what someone may have permission to change and also invite others to help. From the My Manager App those who have been invited to have permission to change settings will also be able to see the activity, phone calls and texts so if there has been very little activity you may wish to get in touch to make sure all is well.
One superb way of demonstrating how My Doro Manager really comes in to play is if a number of a family member changes their number and they are set to be notified when the Assistance Button is used they can easily change that thus providing peace of mind that it won’t get forgotten about.
You can get the My Doro Manager app from Google Play here and below are a few links where you can buy a Doro handset either SIM free or with a PAYG SIM or on a Pay Monthly deal.
Carphone Warehouse here -
Tesco here -
Argos here -
The video below shows you how it works and if you've never heard of Doro here's a little F&Q
Who are Doro?
Doro are a Swedish company with their headquarters is based in Lund, you'll find them here on Google Maps. Doro have been involved in the telecoms market for over 38 years, their products are available in more than 30 countries, including here in the UK, across five continents and last year sold more than 4 million of their devices.
Who are Doro phones for?
Anyone who wants a mobile. There is no specific criteria for you to own a Doro product but they are widely preferred by those with visual impairments and they are regarded as good phones for the elderly. Doro also set themselves apart from others by not stigmatising their users. Members of the Clove family are in the process of putting a couple of their devices through their paces.
Why are Doro phones good for the partially sighted and the hard of hearing?
Doro devices come with large keys and are therefore regarded as 'big button mobile phones'. This helps those with impaired vision to more accurately see what buttons they are tapping and reduces the risk of the wrong number being dialled or the wrong word being typed out in a text message. Those customers with hearing impairments or with hearing aids will have a device that enables them to adjust the tone to compensate for different types of hearing loss. All Doro handsets are hearing aid compatible, and the sound can be amplified and the frequency adjusted.
Is there a particular phone that is good for the partially sighted or hard of hearing?
One device that sticks out in the range is the Doro PhoneEasy 612, a device that members of the Clove family are currently testing. It ticks all the boxes with large keys and text, plus it has loud and clear tones. The 612 comes with a headset and a charging cradle, making it even simpler to use.
Are Doro mobile phones easy to use for the elderly; is there a steep learning curve?
One of the great things about the Doro range is that it doesn't matter which device you decide to go with, they are all gimmick free. You don't need to worry about all those things that many other people worry about
Are Doro phones regarded as large button mobile phones; what are the different types of phones available from Doro?
Not all Doro phones have big buttons. The Doro Liberto 810 comes in to their range boasting features such as a web browser, 5 megapixel camera and a touch screen yet still packs all the great things that Doro has on offer. In a world where we all have different needs and want different things, Doro have designed their whole market around that, giving you choice and the confidence not only in them but yourself.
What are some of the best features of Doro mobiles?
Doro have produced not only great devices but with it they have some features that really do set them apart from the crowd. One feature in particular that will appeal to those buying the phone for a senior family member is the Emergency button. Pressing the button will automatically call one of five contacts as chosen by you. The ICE (In Case of Emergency) feature allows you to store important medical information such as what medication you are taking, providing vital information to first responders. One of the best features, though, is the simplicity of use; there are no confusing menu options and everything has been thought out to make your first step into the mobile world as straight forward as possible. With large fonts, big buttons and loud ringtones, Doro phones are great for old people that may not have much experience using a mobile.
What are the different types of phones available from Doro?
Being an individual you'll not want the same as the next person so Doro have a range of devices that will offer something unique. For those who are looking for something a little bit modern, the Liberto 810 comes with a clear, big touch screen that still offers the best of Doro. You can access the internet, download apps like any of the smartphones out there but still keep things nice and easy. For the no nonsense approach, the Doro Phoneeasy 508 is no thrills but will keep you in contact with family and friends yet still gives you the security of knowing that should something go wrong, you can summon help.
How often to Doro phones need charging?
Many modern phones have a lot of features that are very power hungry. With big bright screens and music streaming, social networking, and playing games, charging is an everyday occurrence for many modern phone users. With Doro you'll only be charging your mobile up on rare occasions: you'll be getting in the region of 10 hours talk time and an amazing standby time of over 300 hours in most cases.
What kind of charger do Doro phones need?
When it comes to getting your Doro phone charged it couldn't be easier. We know that Doro offer devices that are easy to get to grips with and when it comes to charging, Doro have also taken an approach that the biggest names in mobile have overlooked. The cable that plugs in to your phone will have a very distinctive design so getting the cable and your phone to marry up will be a doddle. Some of you may even opt for a phone like the Doro Phoneasy 621 that can be charged in a dock giving you quick access with no cables to plug in to the device
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